Hi Guys! How's this week going so far?
So far I'm having a good one! Quite fun really!
I've been tagged by Lainy from www.lainyslittleblog.blogspot.com In a type of Photo game, it's really fun!
You have to go to your photo Album and pick the 6th photo in the 6th Folder and see what you com up with!
Here's Mine:

It's a picture of my tortoise taken in the summer! He/She (not sure yet!) is called Lenny and I love it so much! It's in hibernation at the moment! Isn't it lucky?! I would love to be able to hibernate!!! avoid those cold winter months!
I'm going to tag Tasha! have fun! http://milliesmagicalmoments.blogspot.com
Through Lainy's blog I came across Debbi's, it's her birthday and she's giving away some fab candy. Go and check it out! http://wiccababe.blogspot.com